Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Contact us

Level 2, 66 Victor Crescent,
Narre Warren VIC 3805

03 8769 5679


We are a boutique accounting firm specialising in audit. We provide auditing services to companies, trustees, accountants, advisors, and administrators Australia-wide.

Ryecrofts is dedicated to taking the stress out of your annual audit. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we aim to provide a high quality service regardless of the size and profitability of the job.

As a boutique firm, we do not have the time and budgetary constraints that many
larger firms may be restricted by. Our partners and staff are therefore more accessible to our clients and can quickly respond to your needs.

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We are accountants in public practice that only do auditing. We are not tax agents and do not perform any accounting or other services outside of auditing. As a result, you can be comforted in knowing our services are not impacted by any conflict of interest. Our client accountants and tax agents can be confident that we will work closely with them to meet their clients needs.


• We aim to perform a quality audit that goes above and beyond our obligations under Australian Accounting and Auditing standards.
• We ensure we deliver an audit completed to the very best of our abilities.
• We utilise the services of experts when required to ensure that we are completing audits accurately.
• We use current audit software to ensure our files are compliant with regulatory requirements.
• We consistently invest in technology and use specialist software and cloud-based systems to improve our audit processes.


We work with you to ensure a smooth and efficient audit. Every audit is different so we understand the need to provide a flexible service and can work on or offsite. We can allocate larger or smaller teams of experienced people to assist. We work with our clients to ensure their needs are met without impacting our independence.


We stay abreast of evolving technology and its impact on our ability to complete an audit. Changing times creates new challenges in performing our role, and by understanding the changing environment, we can pre-empt future challenges. By embracing advancing technology, we can find new ways to conduct our audits efficiently.


We deal with our clients and potential clients with fairness. We will deliver an excellent service on a timely basis as agreed with the client. Where clients or potential clients need assistance, we are happy to help guide them through the process of an audit, whether an audit is even required or whether we are the best fit for their needs.

Require assistance with your auditing needs?